NB Those who wish to read the complete list of guidelines from the Chancery (7 pages) may like to visit the Archdiocesan website: rcav.org This is a short summary as we will try to implement the guidelines as applicable to St. Joseph’s.
The Covid-19 pandemic curve is more flat than before in B.C. but still presents serious threat to the physical health of individuals as well as our community. So all the directives and recommen-dations of the Government authorities at various levels must be followed.
In General
The Date of re-opening is: Weekend of May 23/24.
# People at one Mass: no more than 50
Those who feel sick, even in the slightest way or have any previous medical condition, should stay home; No one should endanger oneself nor put others in danger. Those who live with sick family members should also stay home.
Seniors and children are strongly advised to stay home.
No social gatherings before or after Mass.
All faithful are dispensed from attending Sunday Mass or attending a ‘make-up’ weekday Mass.
All those attending Mass do so at their own risk.
Practical steps at St. Josephs:
Those who wish to attend Mass on weekends and week-days must sign up prior to attending a Mass. This is necessary for two reasons: 1) to make sure that we have no more than 50 people at a given Mass 2) to trace people in case there is a Covid-19 break-out. So, kindly decide on which Mass you wish to attend: Sat. 5pm / Sun. 9am or 11am. Once you sign up, please stick to that schedule. First come, first served!
Sign up is needed also for weekday Masses.
You can sign up by 1) Tel.604-425-0392 or 604-756-1963 2) by email to Linda or Fr. George (see bulletin) 3) sending a message through the parish website: https://stjosephmission.ca
We have put green stickers on the pews and for com-munion line up to keep a safe distance. Same family members may sit together.
After Mass you are expected to leave the church as soon as possible so that the cleaning crew can work.
On recommendation from the Chancery, we will keep the washrooms locked as we will not be able to sanitize them after each use. So kindly come prepared from home. There will be provision only for rare emergency.
Entrance and exit doors will be marked. The entrance door will remain open 15 minutes prior to the Mass and locked once the Mass has started. Exit door will remain open after the Mass.
At the entrance an usher will spray hand sanitizer into your hands.
You may use a mask in the church. Kindly bring one from home if you wish to use one.
Exit should be pew by pew starting with the pews at the back (starting with the right side, as we face the altar. Kindly wait for your turn to exit.
Communion line starts in the middle isle (right to the altar first, then the left side). Kindly follow the directions from Fr. George.
There may be a cantor who sings. No church hymnals or missalets should be used. Those who have personal copies of missalets, kindly bring them along.
No ushers will go around for collection. The collection box will be available in the sanctuary. Kindly use them as you come into the church or at the very end.
Kindly use your good sense in keeping the recommenda-tions of the authorities in keeping the required distance at all times, washing of hands etc.
If you have other practical suggestions, kindly contact the Parish Office or Fr. George at any time.
Thank you!